“The Believer’s Armor: Part I” – March 14th, 2018

Dear Church Family,
The truth is the crucial starting point in so many circumstances in life. We need the truth to know who is innocent and who is guilty. We need the truth to discern the best course of action when making important decisions. Finally, the truth is imperative when evaluating what medication to take or whether we should take medication at all. We rely heavily upon the truth!
The truth is also critical when fighting spiritual battles in our day to day lives. Our message title on Sunday is , “ The Believer’s Armor: Part I.” Our text is Ephesians 6:14-15. Other verses that will prepare you for our important time in God’s Word are Matthew 16:21-23, Revelation 12:9-10, and I John 4:4. I trust that you will be blessed by our time in God’s Word.
May you stand on the truth of God and His Word as you live for Him the rest of this week. God bless you and have a wonderful day!
I His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe