“The Power of Ministry” – August 15th, 2018

Dear Church Family,
One of the things that God’s people long for is to see His power put on display. We eagerly await Him to do what only He can do. This can be seen in our desire to see someone come to Christ, in our hopes for revival, in our yearning to see a family member return to the Lord. His power at work is what long to see. When does God tend to unleash His power?
On Sunday morning we will be looking at 2 Corinthians 4:7-12. The sermon title is “ The Power of Ministry.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time In God’s Word are Zechariah 4:5-8, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, and James 4:14. I trust that you will be moved by this important time in God’s Word.
May your life be full of God’s grace, wisdom, and power. God bless you and have a Jesus-filled day!
Because of Him,
Pastor Joe