“A Call to Holy Living: Part II” – November 21st, 2018

Dear Church Family,
Boy, it’s hard to be human, isn’t it? We don’t always understand the way we should understand. We don’t always love the way we should love. We don’t always say what we should say or do what we should do. In short we are remarkably imperfect. That is why we need God’s grace and a commitment to personal holiness.
This Sunday morning we will be examining 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1. The message title is “ A Call to Holy Living: Part II.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Matthew 6:24, I Thessalonians 5:23, and Isaiah 52:10-11. It will be a joy to be with you on Sunday morning.
There will be no Wednesday evening services tonight as we prepare for Thanksgiving with loved ones. Until Sunday, may your heart be full of thanksgiving as you pursue Him.
With a Thankful Heart,
Pastor Joe