‘Soup’er Sunday – January 2019
“Giving that Pleases God” – January 23rd, 2019
Dear Church Family, Biblical Christianity is the only belief system that is a heart driven faith. Everything is from the inside out. All of life begins from the heart which leads to the proper actions, speech, and priorities. This is true of every aspect of the Christian life, including giving to the Lord. On Sunday morning we will be examining 2 Corinthians 8:1-5. The message title Is “Giving that Pleases God.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Proverbs 4:23, Exodus 35:4-9, and Exodus 36:2-6. I am looking forward to being together again this Sunday morning. On Sunday we will also enjoy a time of food and fellowship as we enjoy soup for lunch in the fellowship hall. What a great way to celebrate the Lord on a cold Sunday! Until then, keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus. In His Grace, Pastor...
Read More“Bringing Joy to a Pastor’s Heart” – January 20th, 2019
“Bringing Joy to a Pastor’s Heart” – January 16th, 2019
Dear Church Family, It is a privilege to bring joy to another person’s heart. We can do that in a number of ways. The remarkable thing is that we receive as much joy as the other person. It is one of the Lord’s ways to motivate us to be a source of joy to others. This Sunday morning we will be looking closely at 2 Corinthians 7:13-16. The message title is “ Bringing Joy to a Pastor’s Heart.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Philippians 1:3-5, I Thessalonians 2:7-8, and 2 John 12-13 Weather permitting we will enjoy worshipping and fellowshipping together on Sunday morning. May you have the joy of bringing joy to another today. God bless you and stay close to Jesus! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...
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