“The Qualities of People God Uses” – January 2nd, 2019

Dear Church Family,
One of the longings in the heart of a genuine follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is that he or she desires to be used by the Lord. Gratitude fills the heart of a genuine disciple of Jesus. This leads to wanting to give oneself to be His servant who effectively extends and strengthens His kingdom.
This week we will be looking at Matthew 4:18-22 in the contemporary service. The message title is “The Qualities of People God Uses.” Other verses that will prepare our second service attendees for our time in God’s Word are Hebrews 4:5, Isaiah 6:6-7, and Matthew 26:69-75. I am sure that you will be encouraged by our time in God’s Word.
In the traditional service we will be enjoying a message from Israel’s Hope missionary, Bill Aiken. Don’t forget that Wednesday night ministries start back up for everyone tonight. I hope to see you soon. God bless you and have a great day!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe