“God’s Grading System” – March 20th, 2019

Dear Church Family,
When going to high school or college, many people have a preoccupation with grades. Even though some teachers and schools have a tougher grading system than others, we still compare peoples’ grades from different schools as though it is an apple to apple comparison. However, in the long run the grading system that matters the most is God’s.
On Sunday we will continue our series in 2 Corinthians. The text is 2 Corinthians 10:12-18. The title of the message is “God’s Grading System.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Proverbs 16:2, Psalm 86:12, and Romans 2:28-29. May the Lord bless His Word as we come to worship Him together.
Enjoy the first day of spring! God bless you and have a wonderful week.
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Joe