“Spiritual Weapons for Spiritual Battles” – March 6th, 2019

Dear Church Family,
We have all been in situations where we have tried to talk to someone who is dead wrong. They may be wrong about what they believe about salvation. They may be wrong about their belief in how a relationship should work. They may be wrong about their opinion about us. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. How do we handle such a situation?
On Sunday we will be examining 2 Corinthians 10:1-5. The message title is “ Spiritual Weapons for Spiritual Battles.” Other verses that will be helpful in preparing you for our time in God’s Word are Isaiah 31:1, Jeremiah 23:29, and Jeremiah 33:3. I am looking forward to sharing this important message with you.
We will be having a Moving Forward meeting on Sunday at 7:00 pm. I am looking forward to seeing many of you on Sunday. God bless you and keep close to Jesus!
Because of Him,
Pastor Joe