“Strength for the Weary” – April 15th, 2020

Dear Church Family,
In Luke 22:31-32 our Lord said to Peter, “ Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”
Of course, Peter did not think that he needed to have his faith strengthened and he fell as Jesus predicted. It’s interesting that our Lord prayed for Peter before he failed and that He prayed that Peter would be used in a powerful and redemptive way after his failure. Our failures do not take Jesus by surprise. Why does His grace and forgiveness surprise us? They shouldn’t. As the old hymn states, “Wonderful grace of Jesus; greater than all my sin.” Unlike Peter, we should embrace His grace and forgiveness even before we need it.
Some of you enjoy sending birthday cards to friends in the church family. Here are birthdays for the rest of April. Sue Freshly and Olivia Carafelli (16th), Scott Carrel (20th), Juliann Canonico (25th), Ian Kovac, Anthony Warner, and Etheleen Werstler (26th).
May we all embrace His grace and forgiveness before we need it. God bless you and stay safe in Jesus.
By His Grace,
Pastor Joe