“The Marks of Genuine Faith” – April 29th, 2020

Dear Church Family,
It is an odd feeling to be in the church sanctuary on Sunday morning with only two other people in attendance. We know that the church is not the building. It is the people who are part of the body of Christ that make up the church. So it really does not feel like church. During this pandemic, I have learned that being together matters more than I thought. Loving one another at a distance is safe and the right thing to do. It demonstrates our obedience to the governing authorities and our love for one another. As Paul wrote in Romans 13:8, “ Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves has fulfilled the law.” So let us love one another, for the time being, by being separated, knowing that Spirit produced love will hold us together while we are apart.
God bless you, and keep you, and may His face shine upon you.
In His Bountiful Grace,
Pastor Joe