“Cures For A Worry Wart” – May 27th, 2020

Dear Church Family,
Life likely will never be exactly the same due to the coronavirus. I am reminded of Matthew 9:17. “Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled , and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” Our Lord is referring to His new, internal truths of forgiveness and spiritual cleansing and how they cannot be attached to the old, external traditions of Judaism. There likely will be some old traditions in life that will be done away as new practices take their place. I trust that we will be able to flex and adjust to the new ways that the Lord may have in mind for us all.
May the Lord grant you the grace to be flexible in these changing times. Have a wonderful day!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe