“Core Value #4- Integrity” – July 1st, 2020

Dear Church family,
One of the fastest and surest ways to stand out in a good way in our society is to be a man or woman of integrity. Integrity is in increasingly short supply. This provides us with a great opportunity to stand out for the Lord Jesus.
On Sunday morning we will continue our series on the core values of Canton Grace Church. The title of Sunday’s sermon is “Core Value #4- Integrity.” Our text will be I Samuel 12. Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Genesis 20:2-7, Psalm 26:1-2 and Daniel 6:1-5. I am very much looking forward to sharing this important message with you on Sunday morning.
Until Sunday, may you shine for Jesus as you walk in integrity.
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe