“How to Handle Difficult Problems” – July 22nd, 2020

Dear Church Family,
We all face problems. Some are more difficult and important to solve than others. There are steps that we should take to solve any problem. Joseph, the stepfather of Jesus is a wonderful example of how to solve a difficult problem.
On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 1:18-25. The title of the message is “How to Handle Difficult Problems. Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are I Samuel 30:3-6, Genesis 22:1-13, and Hebrews 11:24-27. I am excited to see you and to share God’s Word with you.
On Sunday at 6:00 pm there will be a meeting of the Charis Fellowship in lieu of national conference. You can join the nationwide livestream celebration by using the link below.
I hope that you enjoy this meeting and our service on Sunday. God bless you and have a great day!
Pastor Joe