“Responding to Baby Jesus” – July 29th, 2020

Dear Church family,
How we respond to people and circumstances has a large impact on the quality of our lives. Two people can have the exact same thing happen to them and have a totally different experience based upon their response. The same is true of how we respond to people such as our spouse, a domineering supervisor, or a wayward child. Nothing is more vital, however, than how we respond to Jesus.
On Sunday we will be studying Matthew 2:1-11. The message title is “Responding to Baby Jesus.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Psalm 95:6-7, Psalm 2:1-3, and Acts 17:32-34. Responding properly to Jesus influences how we live in this life and determines our destiny in the life to come.
Have a wonderful summer day and keep your eye on the Son!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe