“Starting Fresh for God” – September 23rd, 2020

Dear Church Family,
When starting anything new that is going to be successful, God must “be in it.” If God is in it, it will be a success in His eyes. If He is not, we and others may perceive our efforts to be a success, but the One who matters will not.
On Sunday morning we will be examining Matthew 4:12-17. The message title is “ Starting Fresh for God.” Other verses that pertain to Sunday’s message are Ecclesiastes 3:1, Galatians 1:9, and I Timothy 6:14-16. I’m looking forward to a wonderful time worshipping the one true God with you.
Don’t forget the kickball and bonfire get together on Saturday evening. It should be a great time! Have a wonderful day as you walk with the Lord Jesus.
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe