“The Importance of the Resurrection” – March 31st, 2021

Dear Church Family,
I checked my thesaurus and found a few synonyms for the word “important.” A few words that are similar in meaning are crucial, determinative, impactful, and momentous. When you are talking about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, these words all fit beautifully.
This Sunday morning we will be celebrating Easter. The title of the message is “The Importance of the Resurrection.” Our text is I Corinthians 15:12-19. Other verses that will prepare you for the Easter message are John 11:24-27, John 14:19, and I Peter 1:3. I am so looking forward to worshipping the Lord with you as we sing classic resurrection songs and rejoice in our risen Savior.
May the resurrected Christ fill you with hope and His power today. God bless and keep your eyes on Jesus!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe