“Fasting With the Right Heart” – June 10th, 2021

Dear Church Family,
There are many things in life that are underrated. What is considered underrated is truly in the eyes of the beholder. In other words, something that is underrated in my eyes may not be underrated in yours. All that being said, the most underrated spiritual discipline, in my humble opinion, is prayer and fasting.
On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 6:16-18. The title of the sermon is “Fasting With the Right Heart.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Esther 4:15-17, Isaiah 58:1-9, and Matthew 9:14-15. I am looking forward to sharing with you on Sunday morning.
We will also enjoy our first summer picnic on Sunday at 12:30 at the church. It should be a great day with each other and the Lord. Until Sunday, keep close to Jesus!
Because of Him,
Pastor Joe