“Cures for a Worry Wart” – July 1st, 2021

Dear Church Family,
One of the great robbers in life is worry. Worry robs us of our peace, joy, and contentment. Worry takes away our confidence, our hopeful anticipation, and our intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It is a culprit that needs to be handcuffed and arrested. We all need help to conquer worry.
On Sunday morning we will be examining Matthew 6:25-30. The message title is “Cures for a Worry Wart.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Job 38:41, Philippians 4:6-10, and I Peter 5:7. I trust that you will be encouraged by our time in God’s word on Sunday morning.
At long last the new church parking lot will be laid this coming week. Thank you for understanding that the church facility will not be of use almost the entire week. Don’t worry, it will be worth the wait. Until Sunday, God bless you and have a wonderful day!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe