“Jesus’ Power Over the Supernatural” – November 17th, 2021

Dear Church Family,
Super heroes are all the rage. Some people are “into them” more than others. We have enjoyed superheroes for many years. Growing up there was superman and mighty mouse. Now there are a multitude of superheroes. We all are aware of our vulnerability to the forces of evil so we are enamored with those who can save and protect us.
Jesus is the ultimate superhero. On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 8:28-34. The title of the message is “Jesus’ Power Over the Supernatural.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Ephesians 1:19-23, Revelation 20:1-2, and Acts 19:13-17. I am looking forward to exalting Jesus on Sunday morning!
Sunday evening is communion Sunday. It is shaping up to be a great evening and a great day! Until then, God bless you and stay close to Superhero Jesus!
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Joe