“What Keeps People from Following Jesus?” – October 27th, 2021

Dear Church Family,
Commitment is an increasingly rare commodity. Commitment to a marriage, commitment to a job, or commitment to playing a musical instrument are all waning as the years pass by. Yet commitment is a crucial dynamic in these and countless other ways. This includes becoming a disciple of Jesus.
On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 8:18-22. The title of the message is “What Keeps People from Following Jesus?” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Psalm 80:17, Joshua 24:13-15, and Matthew 6:24. I am looking forward to sharing this clarifying and challenging message with you.
May Jesus be your reason for each action that you take and each word that you speak. God bless you and have a wonderful day!
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Joe