“Overcoming Doubts” – April 27th, 2022

Dear Church Family,
One of the most distressing feelings occurs when we are exceedingly confident about something and then we are flooded with fearful doubts. Being confident and wrong is far less emotionally taxing than being right and full of doubt.
This Sunday morning we will continue our journey through the wonderful book of Matthew. Our text will be Matthew 11:1-6. The title of the message is “Overcoming Doubts.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Psalm 42:11, Romans 15:4, and James 1:6-7. I trust that you will be blessed as we gather together on Sunday morning.
Shortly after the second service our ladies will enjoy The Ladies Friendship Banquet. It should be another great day! Until Sunday, may your hope be fixed on the Rock of Ages.
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Joe