“Rejecting Christ and His Servants” – May 25th, 2022

Dear Church Family,
Nobody likes rejection. The dictionary defines rejection as “ The act of not accepting, believing, or considering something.” When our ideas or opinions are vehemently rejected, we feel spurned as well. There are few causes that are as noble than to be rejected for the One who could write a book on rejection, the Lord Jesus.
On Sunday morning we will be studying Matthew 11:16-19. The title of the message is “Rejecting Christ and His Servants.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Psalm 22:6-8, Isaiah 49:7, and Isaiah 53:1-3. I’m looking forward to sharing insights from this entertaining text with you.
May you enjoy your Memorial Day weekend and have a blessed day!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe