“The Sin of Indifference” – June 1, 2022

Dear Church Family,
When it comes to the Lord we can have one of three attitudes. We can be hot, cold, or lukewarm. I would think that God would prefer someone to be lukewarm rather than cold towards Him. I also would be wrong.
On Sunday morning we will be enjoying another week in the gospel of Matthew. Our passage is Matthew 11:20-24. The title of the sermon is “The Sin of Indifference.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in His word are Genesis 19:23-25, Matthew 23:14-15, and Revelation 3:14-16. I am looking forward to sharing truths from this startling text.
May you love the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your might, and all of your strength. Have a glorious day In Jesus!
For His glory,
Pastor Joe