“Blaspheming the Holy Spirit” – August 11th, 2022

Dear Church Family,
We all have experienced life’s pain. We have all had others make fun of us, not take us seriously, ignore us, leave us, and unfairly judge us. For me the most painful experience is for someone to slander me. When God is slandered, there is a special word that the Bible uses, blasphemy.
On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 12:22-32. The title of the message is “Blaspheming the Holy Spirit.” Other verses that will prepare you for Sunday’s message are Joshua 24:15, Hebrews 2:2-4, and Hebrews 6:1-8. I am looking forward to getting my scalpel out to carefully explain this widely misunderstood passage.
On Sunday evening we will enjoy testimonies from our youth to hear how they were impacted by youth conference and from Joe Carafelli who recently returned from a missions trip to Columbia. Ice cream will follow. It should be a great day. Until then, God bless you and have a wonderful day!
Glorifying the King of Kings,
Pastor Joe