“The Model Servant: Part II” – July 27th, 2022

Dear Church Family,
I’m confident that all of us are aware of the inborn bent towards wanting to receive what we want. A newborn baby is considered to be a “good baby” if it sleeps through the night, quietly nurses, and smiles on cue. We prefer a baby to not express its will because vehemence, impatience, and willfulness are put on full display. No one has teach the newborn to behave in this fashion. That’s what makes serving others so refreshing and unique.
On Sunday morning we will be examining Matthew 12:18-21. The title of the message is “The Model Servant: Part II.” Other verses that are relevant to the message are Isaiah 66:2, John 3:34, and I Corinthians 15:58. May the Lord bless our time in His precious Word.
Have a blessed day as you serve Him by serving others.
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe