“Bursting the Bubble of Miracle Seekers” – August 24th, 2022

Dear Church Family,
The American culture is full of thrill seekers. We seem to love the feeling of feeling great. I guess there is nothing inherently wrong with seeking a thrill except that the feeling wears off pretty quickly and we can waste a good bit of time conjuring up the next event that will fill us with excitement.
Jesus didn’t place much weight in thrill seekers. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 12:38-42.The title of the message is “Bursting the Bubble of Miracle Seekers.” Other verses that will prepare you for the morning message are I Kings 10:1-9, Luke 16:27-31, and John 4:46-48. I trust that you will be spiritually satisfied after we worship together on Sunday.
May the Lord bless you during the day to day routines in life that can be less than thrilling. Have a wonderful day!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe