“Divine Judgment and Human Proclamation” – October 19th, 2022

Dear Church Family,
Warnings can be a blessing. A warning can prevent us from taking the wrong job, going to the wrong vacation spot, or going to the wrong doctor. We don’t always like to hear a warning, but they can serve a useful purpose in our lives.
On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 13:47-52. The title of the message is “Divine Judgment and Human Proclamation.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Daniel 4:24-30, Jeremiah 34:1-6, and Acts 24:24-26. I am praying that the Lord will meet us on Sunday morning.
May you obey the Lord’s commandments and heed His warnings as you live fruitfully for Him. God bless you and enjoy the rest of your week!
Because of His Grace,
Pastor Joe