“God’s Children & Satan’s Children: Can You Tell Them Apart?” – September 28th, 2022

Dear Church Family,
It is easy to be fooled in life. Baseball players are fooled by a curve ball when they are expecting a fast ball. Prospective employees can fool prospective employers with a convincing performance when being interviewed. Actors and actresses can fool the public into thinking that they are honorable people. These are all trivial when compared to those people who fool themselves and others in thinking that they know Jesus when they do not.
On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 13:24-30 and the explanation of the parable in Matthew 13:36-43. The title of the sermon is “God’s Children & Satan’s Children: Can You Tell Them Apart?” Other verses that give insight into the sermon are Isaiah 24:6, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, and 2 Timothy 2:19. I trust that you will blessed by our time together .
May the Lord give you His discernment with people and circumstances around you. Have a blessed day in Jesus!
Because of Him,
Pastor Joe