“Money Matters” – March 29th, 2023

Dear Church Family,
What do we need, must have, can’t live without, but can’t desire too passionately? There may be more than one answer to that question, but no answer fits the bill better than money.
On Sunday morning we will be studying Matthew 17:24-27. The title of the message is “Money Matters.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Genesis 14:18-24, Matthew 6:24, and Luke 12:13-15. I am looking forward to sharing with you truths that effect all of us from His word about money.
On Sunday evening we will celebrate communion together. We have a nice group that has signed up and we welcome you if you have not signed up. It should be a great day! Until then may the Lord meet your every need.
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Joe