“Our Glorious Resurrection Bodies” – April 5th, 2023

Dear Church Family,
Our bodies are important to us. We feed them, attractively clothe them, medicate them, exercise them, pray for them, shave them, clean them, and by and large stand on our head for them. Yet our bodies are not a tower of strength and dependability.
Easter Sunday morning is the time to celebrate the resurrected Christ and the glorious resurrection body that He enjoys and one day we will enjoy our own body just like His. Our text on Sunday is I Corinthians 15:35-44. The sermon title is “Our Glorious Resurrection Bodies.” Other verses that will prepare you for out time in God’s word are Ecclesiastes 3:20, I Thessalonians 4:16-18, and I Corinthians 15:51-54. There is nothing like celebrating our Lord’s resurrection!
We also will enjoy breakfast together at 10:00 between both morning services. It should be a wonderful morning. I hope to see you then!
Because He Lives,
Pastor Joe