“The Heart of a Pharisee” – January 3rd, 2024
Dear Church Family, Things can be pretty much all right on the outside, but the inside can be all wrong. What makes that dynamic so dangerous is that we generally can fool ourselves and think that we are fooling God. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 23:23-28. The title of the message is “The Heart of a Pharisee.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Psalm 51:16-17,Isaiah 1:10-15, and John 18:28. May the Lord use His Word to enable us to have laser beam focus on the things that are important. May the Lord continue to work on you inside and out as He makes you more like Jesus. Have a blessed day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...
Read More“What Jesus Gave Up to Come to Earth” – December 24th, 2023
“What Jesus Gave Up to Come to Earth” – December 20th, 2023
Dear Church Family, We all love perks. Perks to the job are a massive selling point nowadays to attract new talent and to keep talent. It’s not uncommon for people to start out with 3 weeks of vacation coming out of college instead of two. Mothers get 13 weeks of maternity leave and fathers get 6 to 13 weeks themselves. Getting such perks is nice. Giving them up can start a riot! On Sunday morning we will enjoy a Christmas message titled, “What Jesus Gave Up To Come To Earth.” The text is Isaiah 6:1-5. Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Genesis 6:5, Psalm 99:9, and Luke 2:12. May our hearts better appreciate our Lord’s humiliation through the incarnation. The second service will also enjoy a drama skit and we all will reconvene for a Christmas Eve service at 6:00pm. It should be a wonderful day! Until then, may the humility of Jesus be reflected in your life. Because of the Babe From Bethlehem, Pastor...
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