“What Jesus Gave Up to Come to Earth” – December 20th, 2023

Dear Church Family,
We all love perks. Perks to the job are a massive selling point nowadays to attract new talent and to keep talent. It’s not uncommon for people to start out with 3 weeks of vacation coming out of college instead of two. Mothers get 13 weeks of maternity leave and fathers get 6 to 13 weeks themselves. Getting such perks is nice. Giving them up can start a riot!
On Sunday morning we will enjoy a Christmas message titled, “What Jesus Gave Up To Come To Earth.” The text is Isaiah 6:1-5. Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Genesis 6:5, Psalm 99:9, and Luke 2:12. May our hearts better appreciate our Lord’s humiliation through the incarnation.
The second service will also enjoy a drama skit and we all will reconvene for a Christmas Eve service at 6:00pm. It should be a wonderful day! Until then, may the humility of Jesus be reflected in your life.
Because of the Babe From Bethlehem,
Pastor Joe