“Making Fun of Jesus” – August 14th, 2024

“Making Fun of Jesus” – August 14th, 2024

Dear Church Family, Nobody likes it when people make fun of them. Nobody likes to be insulted. Nobody likes to be ridiculed. Nobody likes to be mocked. It’s especially frustrating when we are innocent and have done nothing to trigger the deluge of daggers. That was the prelude to our Lord’s death on the cross. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 27:27-31. The title of the message is “Making Fun of Jesus.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Psalm 35:15-16,  Matthew 20:18-19, and Romans 14:11-12. May God bless our time in this holy portion of His Word. May your heat be filled with joy and awe as you reflect on what Jesus went through for you. God bless you and stay close to Jesus! All for Jesus, Pastor...

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“What Shall I Do With Jesus?” – August 7th, 2024

“What Shall I Do With Jesus?” – August 7th, 2024

Dear Church Family, Everyone has important decisions to make. Some are more important than others. Do I go to college? Which college do I attend? Should I marry? Who should I marry? How much debt can I afford when buying a house? Which doctor should I see? However, the greatest question of all is “What shall I do with Jesus?” On Sunday morning we will be studying Matthew 27:15-26. The title of the message is “What Shall I Do With Jesus?” Other verses that will give you a sneak peek preview of the message are Deuteronomy 30:18-20, Matthew 7:13-14, and  John 5:39-45. May the Lord bless our time together on Sunday morning. May you choose to say “yes” to Jesus today in the little choices of life. God bless you and have a great day! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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