“Proving the Innocence of Jesus” – July 31st, 2024

Dear Church Family,
It is a wonderful feeling to be innocent in the eyes of God. He knows all things including whether we are guilty or innocent of any accusation. It can be much more difficult to prove our innocence before people. People don’t know everything, may be biased, and may not want the truth to prevail. Innocence before God is one thing. Innocence before man is another.
On Sunday we will see that the Spotless One was innocent before God and man. Our text is Matthew 27:11-14. The title of the message is “Proving the Innocence of Jesus.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are 2 Chronicles 24:20-22, Luke 23:5, and I Timothy 6:13. I am looking forward to sharing God’s Word and enjoying being with you on Sunday morning.
May the God of truth find you to be pure and innocent in His sight. God bless you and have a marvelous day!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe