“The Lord’s Marching Orders: Part I” – October 16th, 2024

Dear Church Family,
Many activities and projects require adequate preparation if we are to be successful. We must prepare any surface before we paint the surface. We should prepare ourselves for a busy day with a good night’s rest. It is beneficial if we garner prayer support before an important conversation, as we are about to make a critical decision, or we face a major surgery.
The same can be said about preparing to do the Lord’s work. On Sunday will be looking at Matthew 28:16-18. The title of the message is “The Lord’s Marching Orders: Part I.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are I Chronicles 29:10-14, Psalm 45:10-11, and Colossians 1:16-19. May God prepare and motivate to us to march for Him.
God bless you as you are given the fuel to live for Him. Have a blessed day!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe