“Divine Principles of Judgement: Part II” – February 11th, 2025

Dear Church Family,
“Life Isn’t Fair” is one of life’s most common objections. It rings through the halls and minds of every imaginable person, place, and situation. Yet, God’s Word says the exact opposite when it comes to God’s judgment of everyone.
On Sunday morning we will continue our study of the book of Romans. The title of the message is “Divine Principles of Judgment: Part II.” Out text is Romans 2:11-16. Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Deuteronomy 32:4-5. Isaiah 30:18, and Acts 24:16. May His blessed Word do its work in our hearts and lives on Sunday morning.
Do your best to live for Jesus. He’s worthy of our love and devotion. Have a wonderful day!
Because of Him
Pastor Joe