Wow! Women of the Word


Wow! is changing hearts, changing lives, one woman at a time!
Wow! Women of the Word is a women’s ministry designed to be Christ-centered, relationship building, relaxing and fun! Jesus is at the center of all of our activities and building genuine friendships is a top priority. We have a regular weekly Wed. night Bible study that begins in early Sept. and ends in mid-June. We host many Wow! events through the school calendar year that provide extra opportunities to learn new skills, serve others in our church and community and just provide time to hang out! If you have any questions, call 330-499-3818 and we will get back to you!

Current Study: Women of the Word are Wednesday’s at 7:00pm

Join us in the new year for our next dvd Bible  study! A 7-week study, “The Gospel of John” by Melissa Spolstra starting January 8th, 2025.
“In this 7-session study on the Gospel of John, Melissa Spoelstra will encourage you to slow down and linger with the living Word. You’ll appreciate the pace of the Savior who never hurried but completed all that the Father called Him to accomplish. As you turn the pages of John’s Gospel, you’ll be challenged to take on the posture of a learner—understanding that the peace Jesus offers is not an ease of circumstances, but a stillness of the soul. As a result, you’ll grow in intimacy with Him and learn to live, serve, and rest in His peace.”

There is a workbook available if you would like. Joyce Sheaffer will be facilitating this study. Canton Grace Brethren Church

6283 Market Ave. N.

Canton, OH 44721

Questions Call: 330-499-3818