
“How to Have a Thankful Heart” – December 6th, 2023

“How to Have a Thankful Heart” – December 6th, 2023

Dear Church Family, There are certain fundamentals for living the Christian life that are necessary for anyone to be effective. Everyone needs to spend time in prayer, God’s Word, and fellowship in a good local church. We need to obey, love, and serve. Another core ingredient for a fruitful Christian life is a thankful heart. On Sunday morning the traditional service will enjoy a week out of Matthew’s gospel. Our text is Psalm 103:1-5. The title of the message is “How to Have a Thankful Heart.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Psalm 30;2-3,Psalm 103:11-14, and Hebrews 13:15. May the Lord grant us a wonderful time together in His Word. The contemporary service will enjoy the Children’s Christmas Program, which is always a blessing and crowd favorite. Until Sunday, may your heart be full of thanksgiving. Gratefully Yours, Pastor...

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“The Marks of a Great Teacher” – November 29th, 2023

“The Marks of a Great Teacher” – November 29th, 2023

Dear Church Family, What are some of your favorite “greatest lists?” Perhaps you have enjoyed reading a list of greatest presidents, greatest guitarists, greatest actors or actresses, greatest baseball or football teams, or greatest movies of all time. These lists are fun, interesting, and as flawed as the people or person making the list. It takes a perfect God to make a perfect list or to  outline the perfect criteria to make such a list. On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 23:5-12. The title of the message is “The Marks of a Great Teacher.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Exodus 13:7-9, Proverbs 16:18, and Acts 22:12-13. I hope and pray that you will be blessed by our morning worship services. Here is a quick reminder that Sunday is the last day to sign up for the Christmas banquet. Until then, enjoy your walk with Jesus! For His Glory, Pastor...

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