“Lessons From the life of a Child” – April 12th, 2023

“Lessons From the life of a Child” – April 12th, 2023

Dear Church Family, Children learn an enormous amount from adults. Adults learn a great deal from children. Only an infinitely wise God could make both of these statements true. On Sunday morning we will be studying Matthew 18:1-5. The title of the message is “Lessons From the life of a Child.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time together in God’s word are Numbers 12:1-3, Isaiah 57:15, and Mark 9:33-35. May the Lord bless our time together as we worship the One who is worthy. May you grow in your child-like faith in God and His word. Enjoy the weather and have a great day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Our Glorious Resurrection Bodies” – April 5th, 2023

“Our Glorious Resurrection Bodies” – April 5th, 2023

Dear Church Family, Our bodies are important to us. We feed them, attractively clothe them, medicate them, exercise them, pray for them, shave them, clean them, and by and large stand on our head for them. Yet our bodies are not a tower  of strength and dependability. Easter Sunday morning is the time to celebrate the resurrected Christ and the glorious resurrection body that He enjoys and one day we will enjoy our own body just like His. Our text on Sunday is I Corinthians 15:35-44. The sermon title is “Our Glorious Resurrection Bodies.” Other verses that will prepare you for out time in God’s word are Ecclesiastes 3:20, I Thessalonians 4:16-18, and I Corinthians 15:51-54. There is nothing like celebrating our Lord’s resurrection! We also will enjoy breakfast together at 10:00 between both morning services. It should be a wonderful morning. I hope to see you then! Because He Lives, Pastor...

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“Money Matters” – March 29th, 2023

“Money Matters” – March 29th, 2023

Dear Church Family, What do we need, must have, can’t live without, but can’t desire too passionately? There may be more than one answer to that question, but no answer fits the bill better than money. On Sunday morning we will be studying Matthew 17:24-27. The title of the message is “Money Matters.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Genesis 14:18-24, Matthew 6:24, and Luke 12:13-15. I am looking forward to sharing with you truths that effect all of us from His word about money. On Sunday evening we will celebrate communion together. We have a nice group that has signed up and we welcome you if you have not signed up. It should be a great day! Until then may the Lord meet your every need. Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“How to Ask God for Help” – March 22nd, 2023

“How to Ask God for Help” – March 22nd, 2023

Dear Church Family, I am the stereotypical guy in many respects. Before there were modern day means to find a destination, I hated to ask anyone to help me find a place when I was lost. I guess it is the deep-seated aversion to seek help that men especially find difficult. I always swallowed my pride eventually and we arrived safely but not without a few laughs at my expense. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 17:14-21. The title of the message is “How to Ask God for Help.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Psalm 62:1-2, Psalm 88:1-3, and Acts 4:24-31. May the Lord exalt His name and word on Sunday morning. May you sense the depth of your need and call upon the One who answers the cry of His people, Have a great day! In His Matchless grace,  Pastor...

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“When God Doesn’t Make Sense” – March 15th, 2023

“When God Doesn’t Make Sense” – March 15th, 2023

Dear Church Family, Who doesn’t enjoy figuring something out? It must be part of human nature, something that God planted deep inside of us. Yet God loves to hide what He is doing as well. Proverbs 25:2 says, “ It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” This is a major reason why God does not always make sense. On Sunday we will be studying Matthew 17:9-13. The title of the message is “When God Doesn’t Make Sense.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in His word are Deuteronomy 29:29, Malachi 4:5-6, and Luke 24:18-26. I pray that you are encouraged by Sunday’s message. The contemporary service will also celebrate the baptism of 2 people as part of the worship service. May God bless you as you walk by faith following Him. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“How God Helps the Downcast” – March 1st, 2023

“How God Helps the Downcast” – March 1st, 2023

Dear Church Family, It’s a huge blessing to have people who are on your team. Family, friends, co-workers who are pulling for you and with you, especially when you are down. The best person to have on our team is God Himself. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 16:28-17:8. The title of the message is “How God Helps the Downcast.” Other verses that will prepare you for our encouraging time together in God’s Word are I Kings 19:1-8,  Acts 9:26-30, and 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. May the Lord lift your spirits as we worship Him on Sunday morning. Have blessed day as you serve the One who pours out grace upon grace upon those who belong to Him. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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