“Divine Judgment and Human Proclamation” – October 19th, 2022

“Divine Judgment and Human Proclamation” – October 19th, 2022

Dear Church Family, Warnings can be a blessing. A warning can prevent us from taking the wrong job, going to the wrong vacation spot, or going to the wrong doctor. We don’t always like to hear a warning, but they can serve a useful purpose in our lives. On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 13:47-52. The title of the message is “Divine Judgment and Human Proclamation.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Daniel 4:24-30, Jeremiah 34:1-6, and Acts 24:24-26. I am praying that the Lord will meet us on Sunday morning. May you obey the Lord’s commandments and heed His warnings as you live fruitfully for Him. God bless you and enjoy the rest of your week! Because of His Grace, Pastor...

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“Entering God’s Kingdom” – October 12th, 2022

“Entering God’s Kingdom” – October 12th, 2022

Dear Church Family, Different people consider different things to be precious. The list of precious things include friends, family, freedom, mothers, money, momentum, home, happiness, and health. All of these things and many more are precious to people. However, none of them is in the same league as the most precious thing in the world. On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 13:44-46. The title of the sermon is “Entering God’s Kingdom.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Jeremiah 9:23-24, :Luke 10:17-20, and Philippians 3:10. I am looking forward to sharing with you spiritual nuggets from these 2 short parables. May the joy of your salvation resonate in your heart this week. God bless you and have a wonderful day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“God’s Children & Satan’s Children: Can You Tell Them Apart?” – September 28th, 2022

“God’s Children & Satan’s Children: Can You Tell Them Apart?” – September 28th, 2022

Dear Church Family, It is easy to be fooled in life. Baseball players are fooled by a curve ball when they are expecting a fast ball. Prospective employees can fool prospective employers with a convincing performance when being interviewed. Actors and actresses can fool the public into thinking that they are honorable people. These are all trivial when compared to those people who fool themselves and others in thinking that they know Jesus when they do not. On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 13:24-30 and the explanation of the parable in Matthew 13:36-43. The title of the sermon is “God’s Children & Satan’s Children: Can You Tell Them Apart?” Other verses that give insight into the sermon are Isaiah 24:6, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, and 2 Timothy 2:19. I trust that you will blessed by our time together . May the Lord give you His discernment with people and circumstances around you. Have a blessed day in Jesus! Because of Him, Pastor...

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“Why Parables?” – September 21st, 2022

“Why Parables?” – September 21st, 2022

Dear Church Family, The question that peels back the layers of the human heart is “why?” Why a person says something, does something, or holds a conviction about something tells you more about a person than what they say, what they do, or what conviction they have. Illumination generally comes from the answer to the why question. On Sunday morning we will be continuing our study of the book of Matthew. The title of the message, “Why Parables?” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Proverbs 2:1-7, I Kings 3:9-12, and James 1:5. I am looking forward to sharing with you the answer to the why question about the favorite teaching method of our Lord. Have a blessed day as you serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Because Of Jesus, Pastor...

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“The Four Responses to the Gospel” – September 14th, 2022

“The Four Responses to the Gospel” – September 14th, 2022

Dear Church Family, A person’s  response to spiritual things is totally unpredictable. You never know where or when God is going to work until after He has begun to work. It is one of the dynamics that makes ministering to others so enjoyable. It truly is God’s work. On Sunday morning we will be studying our Lord’s most important parable. Our passage is Matthew 13:1-9.  The title of the sermon is “The Four Responses to the Gospel.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Isaiah 55:10-11, John 3:5-8, and I Corinthians 3:5-8. May God bless our time together! I will see some of you on Saturday night for the volleyball and bonfire night. To each of you, God bless you as you serve the Lord Jesus! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“The Most Important Relationship” – September 7th, 2022

“The Most Important Relationship” – September 7th, 2022

Dear Church Family: Relationships are rewarding, tricky and important. Some relationships are more important to us than others, but every relationships has value. Even Jesus demonstrated that some relationships are extra special to Him. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 12:46-50. The sermon title is “The Most Important Relationship.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Jeremiah 9:23-24, Matthew10:37, and John 17:3. May the Lord bless our time together this Sunday morning. May the Lord give you wisdom to discern which relationships should be most important to you. God bless you and have a great day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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