“Solving Life’s Unsolvable Problems” – January 5th, 2022

“Solving Life’s Unsolvable Problems” – January 5th, 2022

Dear Church Family, There are many dilemmas that we cannot solve. Problems that are beyond are capacity to fix remain unsolved. These are problems that need a divine solution. This Sunday morning we will be studying Matthew 9:18-26. The title of the message is Solving Life’s Unsolvable Problems. Other verses that will prepare you for this enjoyable passage are Judges 16:23-30, Psalm 27:13-14, and Romans 5:2. May the Lord bless our time together. Let’s keep our eyes on the only One who can solve life’s unsolvable dilemmas. God bless you and have a great day! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“The Effects of Genuine Christianity” – December 29th, 2021

“The Effects of Genuine Christianity” – December 29th, 2021

Dear Church Family, Seeing genuine Christianity in action is a beautiful thing! There are so many things that masquerade as true Christianity, but they pale in comparison. This Sunday morning we will return to Matthew’s gospel. The title of the message is “The Effects of Genuine Christianity.” We will be looking at Matthew 9:14-17. Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are  Joel 1:14-15, Acts 2:42-47,  and Galatians 2:11-14. I am looking forward to getting back in the saddle. May the Lord grant you the grace to demonstrate genuine Christianity to others. God bless you and have a great day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Calling All Tax Collectors and Sinners” – December 1st, 2021

“Calling All Tax Collectors and Sinners” – December 1st, 2021

Dear Church Family, The natural tendency for us is to pass judgment on who deserves our mercy and grace. We may not like to admit it, but our minds go there pretty easily. We can be thankful that the Lord Jesus does not treat us with the same exactness. On Sunday morning we will be looking at  Matthew 9:9-13. The title of the sermon is “Calling All Tax Collectors and Sinners.” Other verses that will prepare your heart for our time in God’s Word are Isaiah 65:2-5, Luke 18:9-14, and John 9:39-41. I trust that we will be a little more like our Lord after our time together on Sunday morning. May the Lord grant you all the grace and mercy that you need in the days ahead. God bless you and have a great day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Jesus’ Power to Forgive Sins” – November 24th, 2021

“Jesus’ Power to Forgive Sins” – November 24th, 2021

Dear Church Family, To forgive and to be forgiven are priceless commodities. Money can’t buy it. People can’t command that it be given to us. It’s one of the invaluable jewels of life, especially when it is given by God. This Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 9:1-8. The title of the message is “Jesus’ Power to Forgive Sins.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time together are Romans 4:6-8, Ezekiel 11:5, and Micah 7:18. Let us pray that the Lord meets us this Sunday morning. May the Lord give you a thankful heart as you reflect upon the remarkable forgiveness that is ours in Jesus. God bless you and have a great day! Thankful to Belong to Jesus, Pastor...

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“Jesus’ Power Over the Supernatural” – November 17th, 2021

“Jesus’ Power Over the Supernatural” – November 17th, 2021

Dear Church Family, Super heroes are all the rage. Some people are “into them” more than others. We have enjoyed superheroes for many years. Growing up there was superman and mighty mouse. Now there are a multitude of superheroes. We all are aware of our vulnerability to the forces of evil so we are enamored with those who can save and protect us. Jesus is the ultimate superhero. On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 8:28-34. The title of the message is “Jesus’ Power Over the Supernatural.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Ephesians 1:19-23, Revelation 20:1-2, and Acts 19:13-17. I am looking forward to exalting Jesus on Sunday morning! Sunday evening is communion Sunday. It is shaping up to be a great evening and a great day! Until then, God bless you and stay close to Superhero Jesus! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“Navigating Life’s Storms” – November 3rd, 2021

“Navigating Life’s Storms” – November 3rd, 2021

Dear Church Family, Life throws unexpected curveballs to all of us. Life is flowing pretty smoothly over a period of time and then the storm hits. How do we navigate life’s storms! On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 8:23-27. The title of Sunday’s message is “Navigating Life’s Storms.” Other verses that will prepare your heart for this uplifting time in God’s word are Psalm 80:14-19, Psalm 89:8-9, and Isaiah 43:1-2. As always I am eagerly looking forward to sharing with you gems from God’s word. May you lean on the One who is always in control of every facet of life. God bless you and have a wonderful day! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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