“Who Is An Adulterer: Part II” – February 24th, 2021

“Who Is An Adulterer: Part II” – February 24th, 2021

Dear Church Family, Some sermons are fun, easy to preach, and require little mental dexterity. A few sermons are not fun, not easy to preach, and require great mental dexterity and wisdom. The tough sayings of Jesus fall into the latter category. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 5:31-32. The title of the sermon is “Who Is An Adulterer: Part II.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are I Corinthians 7:10-16, I Corinthians 7:39, and I Thessalonians 2:13. May the Lord richly bless our morning together. Enjoy the 50 degree temperature today and warmer weather throughout the week. God bless you and have a great day! In His Infinite Grace, Pastor...

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“The Implications of Anger” – February 3rd, 2021

“The Implications of Anger” – February 3rd, 2021

Dear Church family, God really cares about our relationships with others. Make no mistake about it. Our relational dynamics with our spouse, our family members, and with brothers and sisters in Christ are of paramount concern to Him. That is why it is vitally important that we handle conflict well. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 5:23-26. The title of the sermon is “The Implications of Anger.” Other verses that will prepare you for our precious time in God’s word are I Peter 3:7, Matthew 6:14-15, and I Corinthians 11:20-28. I am looking forward to sharing with you truths from the greatest sermon ever preached, The Sermon on the Mount. May you enjoy the relationships that God has graciously given you. Have a wonderful day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Who is a Murderer?” – January 27th, 2021

“Who is a Murderer?” – January 27th, 2021

Dear Church Family, One of the sins that is still considered to be wrong in our society is murder. Many other sins are no longer perceived  to be sin, but murder still is looked down upon in our society. On Sunday morning we will be getting God’s perspective on murder. Our text is Matthew 5:21-22. The title of the message is “Who is a Murderer?” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Proverbs 16:32, Matthew 21:12-13, and Mark 3:1-5. I am looking forward to sharing with you from another classic passage from the Sermon on the Mount. May you find Jesus sweeter than the day before. God bless you and have a great day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Christ and the Scriptures: Part 2” – January 21st, 2020

“Christ and the Scriptures: Part 2” – January 21st, 2020

Dear Church family, Who doesn’t want God’s blessing? Having God’s favor, His face shining upon us, and His pleasure is the ultimate asset in this life. Although there is nothing that guarantees God’s blessings upon us since they are given to us by His grace, there are things that we can do to increase the probability of His divine favor. On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 5:19-20. The title of the message is “Christ and the Scriptures: Part 2.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3, and Genesis 39:1-3. I, as always, count it a privilege to present God’s word to you this Sunday morning. May the Lord’s face shine upon you today and every day. Have a wonderful day in Jesus! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“Influencing the World” – January 6th, 2021

“Influencing the World” – January 6th, 2021

Dear Church Family, One of the challenges of the Christian life is to influence the world around us. People are lost in absolute darkness and are without hope and without God in this world. Being an influence is harder now than at any time in my life. The circumstances around us have changed, but the means of change remain the same. On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 5:13-16. The title of the message is “ Influencing the World.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Philippians 2:14-16, I Peter 2:11-12, and Acts 1:8. May the Lord enable us to live out the words of these verses until Jesus returns. Have a nice day as you represent the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In His Matchless Grace Pastor...

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“The First Christmas: A Christmas of Firsts” – December 16th, 2020

“The First Christmas: A Christmas of Firsts” – December 16th, 2020

Dear Church Family, The “firsts” in life are oftentimes memorable and enjoyable. I remember with fondness the first car that I owned. It was a black  Plymouth Volare and it served me well for a number of years. I also fondly remember my first date with my wife Melinda. It was at a club in downtown Pittsburgh where my company celebrated the completion of the Alcoa Aluminum audit. We remember the “firsts” in our lives because they frequently are special. The first Christmas is like that in several ways. On Sunday we will be looking at Luke 1:30-35. The title of the message is The First Christmas: A Christmas of Firsts. Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are John 8:58, Psalm 89:27-29, and I John 3:5. I am looking forward to worshipping with you this Sunday morning. May the uniqueness of Christmas fill you with awe and gratitude this Christmas season. God bless you and have a wonderful day. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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