“Happy are the Harassed” – December 2nd, 2020

“Happy are the Harassed” – December 2nd, 2020

Dear Church Family, As followers of the Lord Jesus we all want to live at peace with others. Sometimes, however, others don’t want to live at peace with us. Our faith and commitment to follow Jesus makes a peaceful relationship with them impossible. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 5:10-12. The message title is “ Happy are the Harassed.” Other verses that will prepare you for this final beatitude are Acts 5:40-42, I Peter 2:20-23, and Exodus 2:20-23. May we all be blessed by our time in God’s word. Have a wonderful day as you seek to please God more than men. God bless you and stay close to Jesus! In His Sustaining Grace, Pastor...

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“Blessed are the Peacemakers” – November 25th, 2020

“Blessed are the Peacemakers” – November 25th, 2020

Dear Church Family, Boy, is there a lack of peace in this world! Living in harmony has been a challenge since Cain and Abel and the present condition of the world has created new challenges for people to be at peace with one another. That is why the role of peacemaker is at such a high premium. On Sunday morning we will be giving our attention to Matthew 5:9. The title of the message is “Blessed are the Peacemakers.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Romans 14:19, Romans 12:18, and James 3:17-18. I’m excited to be with you on Sunday morning. May you experience the Prince of Peace during this Thanksgiving holiday. God bless you and have a great day. Thankful to be Your Pastor, Pastor...

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“Happy are the Holy” – November 18th. 2020

“Happy are the Holy” – November 18th. 2020

Dear Church Family, It’s sad for me to think that so many people believe that you can only have fun if you do things that are not honorable or holy. It’s sad because just the opposite is true. We are most happy when we are most holy. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 5:8. The title of the message is “ Happy are the Holy.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time together are I Samuel 16:7, and Psalm 26:1-2, . This is a wonderful verse that will be a treat for me to expound to you. On Sunday evening at 6:00 pm we will enjoy communion. I am especially looking forward to this communion in light of all the challenges that we all have faced this year. Until then, God bless you and continue to pursue personal holiness. For Jesus, Pastor...

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“Happy are the Hungry” – November 4th, 2020

“Happy are the Hungry” – November 4th, 2020

Dear Church Family, It’s wonderful to have our hunger satisfied. We can satisfy our hunger with a pizza, hamburger, or something more exotic such as a steak. Even a piece of bread can placate the ache inside us. The greatest hunger is spiritual in nature and only God can satisfy that. On Sunday morning we will continue our study of the book of Matthew. The message title is “Happy are the Hungry.” The passage is Matthew 5:6. Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Job 23:12, Psalm 107:8-9, and Isaiah 55:1-2. I eagerly await the chance to share with you this heart searching message. May you rest in the Lord as we wait for the election results to be complete. God bless you and keep hungering for the Lord Jesus. Resting In Him, Pastor...

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“Happy are the Humble” – October 28th, 2020

“Happy are the Humble” – October 28th, 2020

Dear Church Family, One of the clearest distinguishing marks of a follower of Jesus is displaying a spirt that does not retaliate. . We naturally defend ourselves when wronged in any way. It takes a great deal of humility to take a wrong gracefully. On Sunday we will continue our study of the beatitudes. Our passage is Matthew 5:5. The title of the message is “ Happy are the Humble.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Matthew 5:38-42, Romans 12:17-21, and I Thessalonians 5:15. It will be a privilege to worship together on Sunday morning. A reminder that we have a special season of prayer on Friday at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary as we  prepare for election day next Tuesday. Until then, God bless you and have a wonderful day. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Happy are the Sad” – October 21st, 2020

“Happy are the Sad” – October 21st, 2020

Dear Church Family, We are a “ feel good” nation. We love to feel good about ourselves, our families, and our lives in general. We are opposed to anything that will stand in the way of our “pursuit of happiness.” Do we really know, however, how to go about experiencing true happiness from the inside out? This Sunday morning we will be addressing this very question. Our text will be Matthew 5:4. The title of the message is “ Happy are the Sad.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Proverbs 17:22, Luke 6:25, and Jeremiah 23:29. May the Lord bless our time singing praises to His name and our time in His Word. May the Lord also grant  you true inner delight as you walk with Him. God bless you and have a wonderful day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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