“Blessed are the Bankrupt” – October 7th, 2020

“Blessed are the Bankrupt” – October 7th, 2020

Dear Church Family, It’s not fun to be in poverty. Poverty weighs a person down in every area of life. Every day is a grind and hope is a precious sought after commodity. We all have been spiritually impoverished. In fact, we all have been spiritually bankrupt. This Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 5:3. The title of the sermon is “Blessed are the Bankrupt.” Other verses that will prepare you for the start of the sermon on the mount are Romans 7:18,  Proverbs 20:9, and Philippians 3:1-4. I trust that you are blessed by our time together in God’s Word. May you enjoy the spiritual riches that are yours in Christ today. God bless you and have a wonderful day! By the Riches of His Grace, Pastor...

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“The Qualities of People God Uses” – September 30th, 2020

“The Qualities of People God Uses” – September 30th, 2020

Dear Church Family, We all need people that we can trust and depend upon. When the chips are down, we need people that we can count on. God is no different. He looks for people that He can trust to accomplish most of His work in this life. On Sunday morning we will be examining Matthew 4:18-22. The title of the message  is “ The Qualities of People God Uses.” Other verses that will prepare your heart for our time in God’s Word are Proverbs 25:19, II Chronicles 16:9, and I Kings 15:14. I am looking forward to the privilege of freely worshipping the Lord together. May you be in a position to be used by the Lord today. God bless you and enjoy the Lord Jesus! Because of Him, Pastor...

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“Starting Fresh for God” – September 23rd, 2020

“Starting Fresh for God” – September 23rd, 2020

Dear Church Family, When starting anything new that is going to be successful, God must “be in it.” If God is in it, it will be a success in His eyes. If He is not, we and others may perceive our efforts to be a success, but the One who matters will not. On Sunday morning we will be examining Matthew 4:12-17. The message title is “ Starting Fresh for God.” Other verses that pertain to Sunday’s message are Ecclesiastes 3:1, Galatians 1:9, and I Timothy 6:14-16. I’m looking forward to a wonderful time worshipping the one true God with you. Don’t forget the kickball and bonfire get together on Saturday evening. It should be a great time! Have a wonderful day as you walk with the Lord Jesus. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Overcoming Temptation” – September 16th, 2020

“Overcoming Temptation” – September 16th, 2020

Dear Church Family, We all are tempted to do, think, or say things that are wrong.  We also may be tempted to not do something that is right. Overcoming temptation is always in our best interest.  It’s not easy, but it is always worth it. No one knows how to overcome temptations better than our Lord. This Sunday morning we will be examining Matthew 4:1-11. The title of the message is, “Overcoming Temptation.” Other verses that will help prepare you for our time in God’s Word are I Peter 5:8-9, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Genesis 3:1-5. Satan is real and he loves to thwart God’s people. We can overcome. May you live as an overcomer today as you walk in the Spirit. God bless you and have a great day! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“The Inauguration of the King” – September 9th, 2020

“The Inauguration of the King” – September 9th, 2020

Dear Church Family, Starting off well in any endeavor  is important. There are times that by God’s grace we recover from a bad start, but that is not an advisable way to go. Starting well in a school semester, job, or vacation is in our best interest. On Sunday morning we will be looking at the Lord’s start in ministry. Our passage is Matthew 3:13-17. The title of the message is “ The Inauguration of the King.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Luke 19:10, John 8:29, and Isaiah 11:1. I trust that you will be blessed by our time together. May you have the joy of starting well and finishing well in the game of life. Until Sunday, God bless you and keep your eyes on Jesus! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Preaching Repentance” – August 19th, 2020

“Preaching Repentance” – August 19th, 2020

Dear Church Family, There are certain flaws in peoples’ lives that can be overlooked. Others are too important to ignore. What are some things that we can do to encourage others to change? On Sunday morning we will be continuing our study of Matthew. Our passage is Matthew 3:7-12. The title of the sermon is “Preaching Repentance.” Other key verses that will help prepare you for our time together are Matthew 23:13-15, Ephesians 4:17-19, and  Acts 27:30-31. I pray that you will benefit from our time in God’s Word. May the Lord help you to help others as they struggle with the issues of life. God bless you and have a wonderful week. In His Matchless Grace Pastor...

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