“Core Value # 3- Grace” – June 24th, 2020

“Core Value # 3- Grace” – June 24th, 2020

Dear Church Family, Grace truly is amazing. John Newton had it right when he penned the words to “Amazing Grace.” God’s grace is amazing and grace that we extend to others is wonderful too. This Sunday morning we will be looking at John 1:14-17. The title of the sermon is” Core Value # 3- Grace.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time together in God’s Word are Psalm 84:11, Acts 4:32-37, and Ephesians 6:23-24. I am looking forward to meeting together in person again! May the Lord pour our His grace upon you and for you to grow in your ability to extend grace to others. God bless you and have a wonderful day. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Tactful Persuasion” – June 17th, 2020

“Tactful Persuasion” – June 17th, 2020

Dear Church Family, One of the qualities that is on the decline is the use of tact. The dictionary defines tact as “ an understanding of how to avoid giving offense.” It is not a virtue to tell the truth and to unnecessarily offend another person. Father’s also need to exhibit tact as they lead their families. On Sunday we will be celebrating father’s day with a gift for our dad’s and a message from Philemon 8-12 titled, “Tactful Persuasion.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are 2  Thessalonians 3:10-12, Proverbs 16:24, and I Samuel 25:23-26. We all need to be people who demonstrate tact in our relationships. May the Lord bless you as you relate to others with grace in the days ahead. See many of you on Sunday. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Let There Be Love” – June 3rd, 2020

“Let There Be Love” – June 3rd, 2020

Dear Church Family, I am so looking forward to seeing some of you on Sunday morning. We will meet with safety guidelines in place. Here is a summary of the guidelines with a more detailed explanation of the guidelines arriving in the mail soon Canton Grace Brethren Church Reopening Guideline’s. Canton Grace is reopening for its public worship services on Sunday, June 7th for both the 9:00am and 11:00am services. The following are the guidelines that we will observe as we reopen: ·       6 feet social distancing will be practiced. Feel free to sit in all pews marked with green tape. ·       Feel free to wear or not wear a mask. ·       An usher will dismiss you one family at a time after the worship service. ·       The church will be cleaned and sanitized before, between, and after the two services. ·       There will be no Sunday School, Children’s Church, or nursery during this first phase of reopening. ·       Feel free to contact us with your questions. Thank you for your patience during this challenging time. Our morning message is from Romans 12: 9-10. The title of the message is “Let There Be Love.” The following verses will prepare you for our time in God’s Word:  2 Peter 1:5-7, I John 4:12, and Hebrews 10:24-25. Getting together is great, especially if we love one another. May the Lord grant us an explosion of love as we reopen on Sunday morning. God bless you and have a wonderful day! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“Cures For A Worry Wart” – May 27th, 2020

“Cures For A Worry Wart” – May 27th, 2020

Dear Church Family, Life likely will never be exactly the same due to the coronavirus. I am reminded of Matthew 9:17. “Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled , and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” Our Lord is referring to His new, internal truths of forgiveness and spiritual cleansing and how they cannot be attached to the old, external traditions of Judaism. There likely will be some old traditions in life that will be done away as new practices take their place. I trust that we will be able to flex and adjust to the new ways that the Lord may have in mind for us all. May the Lord grant you the grace to be flexible in these changing times. Have a wonderful day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“The Three In One Makes Us One” – May 21st, 2020

“The Three In One Makes Us One” – May 21st, 2020

Dear Church Family, This morning I read this verse as part of my morning devotions. “ The King’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes,” Proverbs 21:1. This is one of my favorite proverbs because it applies so frequently in our day to day lives and it saves us from saying things to people when we would be better off allowing the Lord to work. When it comes to a wife convincing her husband, having a potential employer to choose the best employee, or directing a political ruler to move in the proper direction there is no substitute to letting the One who created everything out of nothing to work on a person’s heart. May you trust Him to work on the heart of others and to frustrate less as you wait form Him to work on peoples’ hearts. The birthdays for the rest of May are as follows: Gage Wood 23rd Kaylin Swartz 24th Bill Sprit 31st Mariah Kovac 31st Have a great rest of the week! Pastor...

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“The Mother Who Wouldn’t Let Go” – May 6th, 2020

“The Mother Who Wouldn’t Let Go” – May 6th, 2020

Dear Church Family, People ask me about how the virus has influenced my day to day schedule. I usually answer that I’m not doing different things, but I am doing things differently. I have never preached to a laptop computer before, or had meetings on Zoom before, or visited so many people via the phone before. The same things are being done in different ways. In Ephesians 2:10 Paul writes, “ We are His workmanship in Christ Jesus to do good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do.” We are God’s craftsmanship. He is crafting us so that we can do good works that He planned for us to do before we were ever created. Those good works include thing that He wants us to do despite the virus. Keep on doing good works, in perhaps different ways, that God has prepared for you to do. Be a Blessing Today, Pastor...

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