“The Ultimate Pursuit” – December 4th, 2019

“The Ultimate Pursuit” – December 4th, 2019

Dear Church Family, There are many goals and accomplishments that we pursue. We pursue wealth, happiness, and fulfillment. We chase after peoples’ approval, love relationships, and a sense of belonging. The ultimate pursuit of any follower of Jesus Christ, however, should be to become more like Him. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Philippians 3:10-16. The title of the sermon is “The Ultimate Pursuit.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are 2 Corinthians 3:18, James 1:2-4, and Romans 8:29. Make no mistake about it, God is fully committed to transforming us little by little into the image of His Son, Jesus. May you experience His transforming work in your lives today and every day until the Lord returns for His people. God bless you and have a great day! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“Giving Up Everything for Jesus” – November 27th, 2019

“Giving Up Everything for Jesus” – November 27th, 2019

Dear Church Family, We have heard people say, “ I would give anything if I could…” You fill in the blank. However, there really aren’t many things that we would be willing to receive if it cost everything. On Sunday we will be looking at Philippians 3:4-9. The title of the message is “Giving Up Everything for Jesus.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Daniel 4:28-30, Luke 19:8-10, and I Corinthians 1:26-31. This autobiography of Paul’s mirrors the biography of all who belong to Jesus. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving as you celebrate the One who is worth everything that we have and are. With Much Thanksgiving, Pastor...

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“The Joys of Being Right With God” – November 20th, 2019

“The Joys of Being Right With God” – November 20th, 2019

Dear Church Family, It’s critically important that we remain solid in our convictions , especially when someone else has a different set of convictions. They will try to persuade us to see things from their perspective and to embrace their views.  We need to have rock solid reasons for believing what we believe, especially when it comes to the gospel. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Philippians 3:1-3. The title of the message is “The Joys of Being Right With God.” Other verses that will prepare you for this foundational message are Jeremiah 17:5-7, Ephesians 4:14, and Matthew 7:15-20. I am delighted to be back in the pulpit to share with you the riches of God’s Word. May you have the fullness of joy that can only come from being sure that you are right with Him. God bless you and have a wonderful day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“God Is More Than Enough” – November 6th, 2019

“God Is More Than Enough” – November 6th, 2019

Dear Church Family, In both Christian and secular circles we seem to be searching for what we really need. Do we need more money? Do we need more affirmation? Do we need more social awareness of those around us? If so, will these things fill the emptiness in our hearts? This Sunday morning Pastor Ron will be leading us in a study of Deuteronomy 33:24-25. The message title is “God Is More Than Enough.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are 2 Corinthians 7:7-10, Isaiah 43:2, and Isaiah 40:29-31.I am looking forward to Pastor Ron’s message on this important theme. We will also have a question and answer Sunday School session at 10:00 am where I will do my best to field your question on any topic or passage of Scripture. We will meet in the youth room upstairs. Finally, our moving forward meeting will be on Sunday at 7:00 pm. It should be a great day! May you find Jesus to be more than enough each day this week. God bless you and have a great day! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“A Servant’s Heart: Part II” – October 30th, 2019

“A Servant’s Heart: Part II” – October 30th, 2019

Dear Church Family, Some things in the Christian life are counter intuitive. If you want to gain your life, you must lose it. If you want to be exalted, you need to humble yourself. If you want to be great, you need to serve others. The last statement will be our theme for Sunday morning. On Sunday we will be examining Philippians 2:25-30. The title of the message is “A Servant’s Heart: Part II.” Other verses that will prepare your heart for our time in God’s Word are 2 Corinthians 11:27-28, Philippians 4:18, and Matthew 10:40-42. I pray that God’s Word will help us serve Him and others more effectively. Until Sunday, may you serve the One who loved you and gave Himself for you. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“A Servant’s Heart: Part I” – October 23rd, 2019

“A Servant’s Heart: Part I” – October 23rd, 2019

Dear Church Family, In Mark 10:43 Jesus said, “ But whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.” So greatness in the eyes of the Lord Jesus is equated with servanthood. That raises the question, “ What does a great servant look like?” On Sunday morning we will be answering that very question. Our text will be Philippians 2:17-24. The title of the message is “ A Servant’s Heart: Part I.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God word , Acts 16:14-15 , Romans 15:30-32 and Philemon 22. I am looking forward to worshipping the Lord and sharing with you on Sunday morning. Please be in prayer for our ladies as they go on a retreat this Friday and Saturday. Until Sunday, God bless you  as you serve Him by serving others. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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