“The Family that Serves the Lord” – May 8th, 2019

“The Family that Serves the Lord” – May 8th, 2019

Dear Church Family, “Something for everyone” is a slogan that many companies utilize in order to heighten interest in their products or services. It is difficult to fulfill, but that doesn’t prevent a company from making that promise. I would like to make that promise for Sunday’s Mother Day message. Although it is especially for mothers, I believe that Sunday’s message has something for everyone. The title of the message is “The Family that Serves the Lord.” Our text is Joshua 24:13-15. Other verses that will prepare you for our exposition of this wonderful passage are Ezekiel 14:1-5, I Samuel 12:19-23, and Deuteronomy 8:11-14. I am excited about our time together as we worship the King and honor our dear mothers and caregivers. On Saturday we will bless our community with a Mother’s Day car wash from 10:00 to 1:00. Please pray for this outreach. Until Sunday, may you enjoy your love relationship with Jesus! Because of Him, Pastor...

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“Helping Others Receive the Truth” – May 2nd, 2019

“Helping Others Receive the Truth” – May 2nd, 2019

Dear Church Family, One of the challenges and potentially frustrating aspects of life is to attempt to help someone else receive and embrace the truth. It may be a truth from God’s Word or possibly a truth about themselves or circumstances surrounding the person. In any event, helping someone see and accept the truth is not an easy task. On Sunday morning we will be looking at 2 Corinthians 11:16-21. The sermon title is “Helping Others Receive the Truth.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are I Corinthians 10:24, Galatians 4:8-10, and I Corinthians 2:3. I am looking forward to sharing with you the wisdom of God’s Word on Sunday. Don’t forget the Ladies Friendship Luncheon on Sunday at 12:30. It should be a great time and a great day. Until then, God bless you and stay close to Jesus! In His Matchless grace, Pastor...

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“Fighting False Teaching” – April 24th, 2019

“Fighting False Teaching” – April 24th, 2019

Dear Church Family, There are a number of vitally important things in life. It’s important to love and be loved. It’s important to persevere and to learn from the hard times. It also is important to know yourself and to operate in one’s areas of strength and not weakness. There may be no area of life that is more important than to know and to live in light of the truth. Without truth we are living in a dream world and will make numerous costly choices. On Sunday we will be looking at 2 Corinthians 11:12-15. The message title is “Fighting False Teaching.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10, Acts 20:30-31, and Jude 4. I am looking forward to sharing truths from God’s precious Word with you on Sunday morning. Be sure to remember the time of your photo appointment for the church directory. If I don’t see you before Sunday, may you love and walk in God’s truth. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“How To Be All That Jesus Wants Us To Be” – April 17th, 2019

“How To Be All That Jesus Wants Us To Be” – April 17th, 2019

Dear Church Family, The longing of every believer’s heart is to be all that the Lord Jesus wants him to be. It is not easy as we all have many habits, memories, and bents towards sin to overcome. Fortunately, we have the resurrected Christ to help us in our quest. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Philippians 3:10-14 and Philippians 3:20-21. The message title is “How To Be All That Jesus Wants Us To Be.” Verses that will also prepare you for this Easter message are Romans 8:28-29, Philippians 2:12-13, and I John 3:1-2. I trust that you will be blessed by our time in God’s Word and by our worship of the resurrected Lord. At 10:00 am on Sunday we will enjoy breakfast together in the fellowship hall, always a wonderful time. Until Sunday, may you enjoy the resurrection power of Christ working in you. By His Grace, Pastor...

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“Handling Unfair Criticism” – April 10th, 2019

“Handling Unfair Criticism” – April 10th, 2019

Dear church family, Nobody likes to be criticized. Even though some criticism is helpful and needed we don’t look forward to receiving it. However, it is considerably more difficult to handle criticism that is unfair. That takes wisdom, humility, and grace. On Sunday we will be studying 2 Corinthians 11:5-11. The message title is “Handling Unfair Criticism.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Proverbs 27:5-6, Psalm 7:8-9, and Psalm 141:5. I am looking forward to sharing with you on Sunday morning. On Sunday evening we will enjoy communion and the affirming love of God’s people. Until then, may you bask in the glory of God’s uncondemning love. God bless you and have a wonderful day! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“God’s Grading System” – March 20th, 2019

“God’s Grading System” – March 20th, 2019

Dear Church Family, When going to high school or college, many people have a preoccupation with grades. Even though some teachers and schools have a tougher grading system than others, we still compare peoples’ grades from different schools as though it is an apple to apple comparison. However, in the long run the grading system that matters the most is God’s. On Sunday we will continue our series in 2 Corinthians. The text is 2 Corinthians 10:12-18. The title of the message is “God’s Grading System.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Proverbs 16:2, Psalm 86:12, and Romans 2:28-29. May the Lord bless His Word as we come to worship Him together. Enjoy the first day of spring! God bless you and have a wonderful week. Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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