“Living in Light of Heaven” – September 12th, 2018

“Living in Light of Heaven” – September 12th, 2018

Dear Church Family, Our days on earth are short yet meaningful. They set the course for our eternal destiny and our eternal rewards. Therefore, our brief lives are critically important and have eternal significance. That is why it is imperative that we live our lives in light of eternity. On Sunday morning we will be looking at 2 Corinthians 5:6-10. The message title is “ Living in Light of Heaven.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are John 14:1-3, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, and Romans 14:10-12. It will be a joy to be together and to share this wonderful passage with you. May you make a difference today in someone’s life and live like today matters for all of eternity. God bless you and have a wonderful day! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Our Deepest Desire” – September 5th, 2018

“Our Deepest Desire” – September 5th, 2018

Dear Church family, The desires of a person’s heart can vary from time to time and from person to person. Wrong desires can lead to bad choices and even good desires that are not tempered can lead to bad choices as well. For instance, a young person can desire to be married and want to be married so badly that they settle for a mate that is not a good choice for them. Make no mistake about it, desires are very important in living  the Christian life. This raises the question, “ what should be the greatest desire for any follower of Jesus?”  On Sunday morning we will explore that question as we study 2 Corinthians 5:1-5. The title of the message is “ Our Deepest Desire.” Other verses that will prepare you for this interesting passage are I Thessalonians 4:15-18, Psalm 16:10-11, and Provers 13:10. It will be a privilege to share with you the truths from this fascinating text. Perhaps I will see you tonight as Wednesday night ministries begin again this evening. May the Lord grant you the desires of your heart today. God bless you as you walk with Jesus! In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Invaluable Perspectives on Life” – August 29th, 2018

“Invaluable Perspectives on Life” – August 29th, 2018

Dear Church Family, One of the most underrated obstacles that we face is discouragement. When we are discouraged we lose heart, we want to quit, and we lose the enthusiasm that is necessary to perform with excellence. We all have been discouraged and long to spend as little time in that condition as possible. This Sunday morning we will be looking at some perspectives that will help us to not lose heart. The message is from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. The title is “Invaluable Perspectives on Life.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Psalm 138:3, I Corinthians 3:13-15, and II Kings 6:14-17. Each one of those 3 passages illustrates a perspective that we will look at on Sunday. May the Lord encourage your heart today as you seek to serve Him. God bless you and have a great day! In Light of His Grace, Pastor...

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“Courage for Christ” – August 22nd, 2018

“Courage for Christ” – August 22nd, 2018

Dear Church Family, We all have fears. Some are legitimate. If we are honest with ourselves, most are not. The real issue is having the courage to overcome our fears in order to move things forward and to do what is proper and right. This is especially true when it comes to being a verbal and nonverbal witness for Jesus. On Sunday we will be looking at II Corinthians 4:13-15. The sermon title is “ Courage for Christ.” Other verses that are helpful to understand the gist of the message are I Thessalonians 1:6-8, I Corinthians 15:58, and I Corinthians 4:12-13. I am looking forward, as always, to share with you the heart and mind of our great God. We also will enjoy our annual church picnic at Price Park at 12:30 pm. It is always a joy to be with the church family for our annual picnic. I hope to see you on Sunday. Until then, may God bless you as you live for Jesus! For His Name, Pastor...

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“The Power of Ministry” – August 15th, 2018

“The Power of Ministry” – August 15th, 2018

Dear Church Family, One of the things that God’s people long for is to see His power put on display. We eagerly await Him to do what only He can do. This can be seen in our desire to see someone come to Christ, in our hopes for revival, in our yearning to see a family member return to the Lord. His power at work is what long to see. When does God tend to unleash His power? On Sunday morning we will be looking at 2 Corinthians 4:7-12. The sermon title is “ The Power of Ministry.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time In God’s Word are Zechariah 4:5-8, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, and James 4:14. I trust that you will be moved by this important time in God’s Word. May your life be full of God’s grace, wisdom, and power. God bless you and have a Jesus-filled day! Because of Him, Pastor...

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“Ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Part III” – August 4th, 2018

“Ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Part III” – August 4th, 2018

Dear Church Family, Last night I was in Canton for First Friday activities. It was enjoyable as I supported the church drama team as they performed a drama of the fall of man and the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was well done and many people stopped to watch the presentation. It is increasingly challenging to be a light in a spiritually dark world. This Sunday we will be looking at 2 Corinthians 4:5-6. The sermon title is “Ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Part III.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Galatians 1:10, I Corinthians 10:31, and Psalm 86:12. It will be a treat for me to share God’s Word with you. Enjoy the day that the Lord has made. God bless you and stay close to Jesus! For His Glory, Pastor...

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