“The Ultimate Spiritual Weapon” – April 11th, 2018

“The Ultimate Spiritual  Weapon” – April 11th, 2018

Dear Church Family, There are certain things in life that we grow to appreciate more and more as time passes. It’s not that we didn’t appreciate it in times past, but we appreciate it now more than ever. This can be true of a person, a group, or an activity. One of those areas where my appreciation has grown over the years is the privilege of prayer. This Sunday we will be finishing our study in the book of Ephesians. Our text is Ephesians 6:18-20. The title of the message is “The Ultimate Spiritual  Weapon.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are II Samuels 12:19-23,  Luke 18:1-7, and Acts 6:4. I trust that you will be blessed by our time in God’s Word. May your influence for Jesus increase as you intercede in behalf of others. God bless you and have a wonderful day! In His Name, Pastor...

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“The Believer’s Armor: Part III” – April 4th, 2018

“The Believer’s Armor: Part III” – April 4th, 2018

Dear Church Family, How we respond to significant challenges in our life tends to define us. Some people become better and some become bitter. Some learn from heartache and some never recover. Satan knows this about people and he wants all believers to stay down years after the deep valley has entered our life. There are two spiritual weapons that are especially important for us to utilize when we are facing difficulties. On Sunday we will be studying Ephesians 6:17. The message title is “ The Believer’s Armor: Part III.” Other verses that will help prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Hebrews 6:13-18, Psalm 119:25-28, and Zechariah 3:1-5. The two spiritual weapons mentioned in Ephesians 6:17 are especially needed when times are trying.  I am looking forward to sharing with you this uplifting message from God’s Word. Until Sunday may you fight the good fight and enjoy our Lord Jesus! In His Grace and Strength, Pastor...

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“The Undeniable Fact: He Arose” – March 29th, 2018

“The Undeniable Fact: He Arose” – March 29th, 2018

Dear Church Family, We need to have proof in the important matters of life. For instance, we should have proof that a person is guilty or innocent of a crime. Proof is key when determining if a man or a women is marriage material. Finally, proof is important when we are considering what car to buy or what restaurant that we want to visit. Proof helps strengthen our faith in someone, something, or some event. On Sunday we will be celebrating our Lord’s resurrection from the dead. Our text will be I Corinthians 15:1-11. The message title is “ The Undeniable Fact: He Arose.” Other key verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Acts 5:30-32, Isaiah 46:9-10, and Romans 6:1-7. There is nothing like preaching on Easter Sunday! I am looking forward to sharing God’s Word with you. At 10:00 am the entire church family will enjoy Easter breakfast together. Bring your appetite! I trust that you will be fed physically and spiritually on Easter. May God bless as you enjoy the resurrected Christ. Because He Lives. Pastor...

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The Believer’s Armor: Part II – March 21st, 2018

The Believer’s Armor: Part II – March 21st, 2018

Dear Church Family, Looking for a player’s weakness is an important part of playing college and professional sports. For instance, a good football coach studies to determine what player on the opposing team’s defense is a weak link so that his offense can take advantage of that weakness. A good baseball coach studies each opposing team’s hitter’s weakness so that his pitcher can pitch to each hitter’s weakness. Such strategizing increases the team’s probability of winning the game. Satan is the opposition for all followers of Jesus Christ. He studies each follower’s strengths and weaknesses and looks for an opening in our areas of vulnerability. It helps for us to know our own weakness and what piece of the believer’s armor that we need to be most vigilant to keep up. On Sunday morning we will continue to study the believer’s armor. Our text is Ephesians 6:15-16. The sermon title is “ The Believer’s Armor: Part II.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Hebrews 11:1-2, Psalm 18:1-2, and John 14:27. It is a joy to share what each piece of the armor is and how we can use it to be victorious in our battle with our opponent. May your heart also be prepared for communion this Sunday evening. Until then, walk victoriously in the name of the Lord Jesus. By His Grace, Pastor...

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“The Believer’s Armor: Part I” – March 14th, 2018

“The Believer’s Armor: Part I” – March 14th, 2018

Dear Church Family, The truth is the crucial starting point in so many circumstances in life. We need the truth to know who is innocent and who is guilty. We need the truth to discern the best course of action when making important decisions. Finally, the truth is imperative when evaluating what medication to take or whether we should take medication at all. We rely heavily upon the truth! The truth is also critical when fighting spiritual battles in our day to day lives. Our message title on Sunday is , “ The Believer’s Armor: Part I.” Our text is Ephesians 6:14-15. Other verses that will prepare you for our important time in God’s Word are Matthew 16:21-23, Revelation 12:9-10, and I John 4:4. I trust that you will be blessed by our time in God’s Word. May you stand on the truth of God and His Word as you live for Him the rest of this week. God bless you and have a wonderful day! I His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Remnant Drama Team” – March 8th, 2018

“Remnant Drama Team” – March 8th, 2018

Dear Church Family, “Variety is the spice of life.” That truism has validity in the home, in our jobs, and in church. It’s heathy for us to break from our routines to do something that is different and fresh. This Sunday will break routine during our Sunday morning and evening services. On Sunday morning we will enjoy having Remnant, a drama team from Grace College, for both morning services. Remnant will minister to us in a variety of ways as they share the love and grace of our Lord Jesus in many, fresh ways. On Sunday evening we will enjoy being together for a Moving Forward Meeting where we track where God has taken us and where He is leading us in the future. It should be a refreshing day! Until Sunday, stay warm and keep your walk with the Jesus fresh! Because of Him, Pastor...

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