“Obeying God or Caesar.” – October 18th, 2023

“Obeying God or Caesar.” – October 18th, 2023

Dear Church Family, One of the challenges that we currently are navigating is the encroaching role of government in our daily lives. We are not use to it and don’t have much background on what to do about it. Our Lord gives us some insight in the passage that we will study on Sunday morning. Our passage this Sunday is Matthew 22:15-22. The title of the message is “Obeying God or Caesar.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time together in God’s Word are  Daniel 6:1-10,  I Peter 2:13-14, and Revelation 1:9. May God grant us wisdom to apply His precious Word. May the Lord grant us each courage, grace, and insight on how to please Him always and governing authorities if possible. Have a wonderful day serving Jesus! By His Grace, Pastor...

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“The Greatest Wedding Invitation.” – October 12th, 2023

“The Greatest Wedding Invitation.” – October 12th, 2023

Dear Church Family, Receiving a wedding invitation is a treat, especially if we know and love the couple deeply. Nowadays we first receive a “save the date,” we check our calendars, we receive the formal invitation, we get dressed for the wedding, we put some money into an envelope, and finally drive to the wedding ceremony and reception. It’s more work than it once was, but it is still a treat. The greatest wedding invitations is for everyone, but most people will not attend. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 22:1-14. The title of the message is “The Greatest Wedding Invitation.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Isaiah 55:1-2, Jeremiah 23:5-6, and Revelation 22:17. May the Lord receive the honor that He so richly deserves on Sunday. May you bask in the glory of being invited to the greatest wedding ever. God bless you and have a wonderful day. In His Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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“Rejecting the Son of God.” – October 4th, 2023

“Rejecting the Son of God.” – October 4th, 2023

Dear Church Family, There are a number of things in life that are clear, transparent, and easy to discern. Others are cloudy, opaque, and not readily understood. When someone rejects Jesus, what they are spurning is more than meets the eye. On Sunday morning we will be back in Matthew’s gospel. The title of the message is “Rejecting the Son of God.” Our text is Matthew 21:33-44. Other verses that you will find helpful to prepare you for this more than meets the eye passage are Exodus 34:6-7,Isaiah 65:2, and Romans 11:22. I am looking forward to sharing with you nuggets from God’s Word. May your heart be submissive and tender towards the One who loved you and gave Himself for you. Have blessed day! Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“Faith and the Fig Tree” – September 20th, 2023

“Faith and the Fig Tree” – September 20th, 2023

Dear Church Family, Great areas of theology all have aspects that we don’t understand completely. That is as it should be. Do we really believe that we should be able to nail down every jot and tittle when it comes to understanding the eternal, infinite, Almighty God? On Sunday we will be looking at one such incomprehensible doctrine. Matthew 21:18-22 will be our focus. The title of the message is “Faith and the Fig Tree.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Isaiah 5:3-7, Romans 4:19-21, and James 5:16-18. May God bless our time together. May you live for Him as you seek to trust the One whose greatness is beyond our comprehension. Have a wonderful day in Him. Because of Jesus, Pastor...

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“The Hurting and the Hardened” – September 13th, 2023

“The Hurting and the Hardened” – September 13th, 2023

Dear Church Family, It’s pretty easy to discern when a person is working or not. They can fool us for a season, but we will catch on in time. Discerning when God is working in someone’s life can be a bit more problematic. We may notice patterns, but that is the best that we can do. On Sunday morning we will be studying Matthew 21:14-17. The title of the message is “The Hurting and the Hardened.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time together are Psalm 34:1-3, Isaiah 57:15, and Matthew 9:11-13. I trust that you will be blessed by our time together. May your heart be tender and receptive to the Lord, today and always. Have a blessed day! In His Matchless grace, Pastor...

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“When Being Mad Isn’t Bad” – September 6th, 2023

“When Being Mad Isn’t Bad” – September 6th, 2023

Dear Church Family, There are some sins that are acceptable, even in Christian circles. Complaining, gluttony, and worry come to mind.  One sin that has gotten less favorable over the years is anger. Both in society and the church getting angry is increasingly frowned upon. On Sunday we will be examining Matthew 21:12-13. The title of the message is “When Being Mad Isn’t Bad.” Other verses that will prepare your heart for our time in God’s word are   Psalm 69:9, Proverbs 25:28, and Hebrews 1:8-9 I trust that the Lord will meet us on Sunday morning. May you love the things that God loves and hate the things that He hates. God bless you and keep your eyes on Jesus. IN Hs Matchless Grace, Pastor...

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